Rabu, 22 September 2010

A.Klara R.

siapa saya??
kenapa saya ada untuk memperkenalkan disni??
apa pikiran kosong saya malam ini??
dan apa yang bisa sya share dalam kotak bicara ini??

A. Klara R.
do u know, just simple word that always in my mind. K L A R A
my name,,,, and can u call me with short word 'klara'

I Love 11..
the first and the best. for me and for all.
i can learn my first black and i can get the one for my brights. ;)

I love basketball.
from child, my activity is basket. in front of my eye and house, the ball always stand by with over energy. make my word can speak loudly and scream that i can do the best with my hobby. yeea, Basketball.

i really make my world big smile ;)
because, my all can get the best with my heart. not just think but all my energy with love.

miss my family..
my dad, how are u there?? really miss u.
my dad, my hero. because he always make me believe that my swear can make my world become true. u always make ur love inside ur heart. amazing for me...

my mom, my wonder.
thx alot bcz u always learn ur child with ur sweety hands. smooth mouth can become a gorgeous word and make gorgeous world.

my little brother.
always in my warm hand. :)) miss u baby big.

::come back from old to be new dream::
A. Klara R.

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